Thursday, 30 April 2015

My Mighty Men 2015

Let me confess right from the beginning of this post that the Mighty Men Conferences (MCC) have never appealed to me. And for only one reason: privacy. And some of you are already nodding, knowing exactly what I'm talking about. I hated PT at school for the same reason. Bearing my naked bum in front of a whole lot of other dudes is not my idea of a good time. And at Mighty Men, there are designated shower times, so imagine 25,000 guys filing into the shower areas, 20 dudes at a time, like sardines. My nakedness would be exposed to these strange okes! And I don't particularly want to be exposed to their junk either. And let me not even get started on the long drops (aka toilets). 

So when the invitation was given, I dismissed it with a polite "Maybe next year" and carried on with my business. Then the inviter mentioned in passing that he had his own separate shower. I was like "Ahhh...sorry, but what did you say? Private....what?" And at that, I was in. I'm so glad that I did.

I've also never been one for camping. My idea of camping is a Cintsa cottage with a fridge and microwave. Tents, gas bottles, dust, sleeping thanks. But heck, I think I've discovered a new hobby. The idea of taking my wife and boys camping with a real tent, etc. is something I'm actually relishing now. Thanks Mark!!

My highlights:

The worship. Under the stars, below the mountain range, with 25,000 voices in unison is something special. It's the biggest worship service I've ever been apart of and my word, was it awesome! Friday night and Saturday morning was cool. But Saturday night was on a different level altogether. There was  a 20 minute period, where we sang "We exalt thee", and I honestly can't remember when last I felt such a heavy presence of Heaven all around me. I was in awe. It Heaven. Or how I'd imagine Heaven to be. Retief and Joe were very good too.

New friends. I camped with 12 other guys. I took a friend from work and met up with another guy that I know from PE who reserved a spot for us. And that was it. By the time I left on Sunday, I felt like I had made another 10 solid friends. And that was special. Meeting the boys, braaing together, sharing stories and laughs, was terrific. Sharing parts of my story with some of them and hearing theirs...always a good thing. 

Hope. It's something our country really needs right now. And I got it back over the weekend. God filled me with hope again for South Africa. With all the negative propoganda, the terrible news we hear daily of what's wrong in our country, I find it easy to become cynical. And if I don't change that, I become a slave to it. And I had. But God showed me what He saw when He looks at our beautiful land. I saw a land of peace. I saw a people who got on together. I saw a people who cared about others rather than themselves. I saw a people who serve Jesus and serve each other. I saw a land abounding in job creation, creativity and bursting with entrepreneurship! I caught a glimpse and my hope in what JESUS can do in our country has been restored.

If you've never been to a MCC I encourage you to give it a go. Besides the spiritual aspect of the weekend, it's just really good fun. Oh, and the thing I didn't tell you...they have pancakes, hamburgers and curry & rice stalls. From 9am to 6pm. All the time. Lekker ne!! I klapped a few pancakes on Friday and Saturday, and jinne, they were good. But ja, it was a great weekend. I became a more experienced camper and made some good friends at the same time. If you keen to come, I'll be going next year, and you welcome to come camp with me. 


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Fuel to the Fire

While praying this evening the Lord showed me a burning fire. It wasn't a particularly big fire, it was quite small actually. But it never used to be. It used to be a big fire; but it had shrunk and had kind of stayed at the current, average burn. And then suddenly, out of no where, without warning, a gigantic bottle of petrol was poured onto this fire and it suddenly lit up and blazed like never before. What was an average smallish fire, in an instant, became a mighty blazing wild fire, capable of burning down a city!!

Immediately the interpretation came from the Lord. He said many hearts in His church have stopped burning at the intensity it used too for the supernatural. Many a heart, sometime ago, was crossing the chicken line, risking in faith and looking for God to confirm His word with signs and wonders. But for whatever reason, the fire in those hearts had died down and were merely existing. They still burned, but not like they used too. But GOD is coming to throw fuel on those hearts. He is releasing the faith to believe for the supernatural again. He knows those hearts are still longing to see, longing to experience, longing to be part of what He wants to do in the earth. Those hearts are yearning to blaze in faith again and they want to see Jesus move mightily in their cities and their nation!!

"'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy." - Acts 2:17-18

The goodness of the Gospel is that Jesus is the one who does the stuff. The bride's mandate is to step aside and see what the bridegroom will do. Jesus heals. Jesus saves. Jesus rescues. The bride gets to join with her husband and be part of what He is doing. But it's not her power. It's not her ability to make it happen. It's His. The bride doesn't even have the ability to put the fuel on her on own fire. Even Jesus provides the fuel for the fire. And He is. He is pouring fuel on many fires in many hearts in His church; and awakening their faith to what HE CAN DO in the earth.

Lord, we open our hearts. Pour out your fuel, Lord. Blaze in our hearts, Oh God, let us see what you can do. Let's dream about you saving our cities, healing our nation and rescuing a lost people. Your Beloved longs to see the power of the bridegroom! May our hearts believe for the supernatural. May our hearts be filled with faith to step out of the boat of our comfort zones and believe you to confirm your gospel message through signs, wonders and miracles in our city! We want to see the hand of our God move in our nation.